10 BOOKS IN 2999 Rs.
10 BOOKS IN 2999/ Attitude Is Everything, Rich Dad Poor Dad, IkigaI, Think and Grow Rich, Steal Like A Artist, Atomic Habit, Rumi, Bridge to Soul, Psychology of Money, Man Search O f Meaning, The Art of reading minds
Pack of 5 books 1555
Pack of 5 books Rich Dad Poor Dad + Atomic Habits + Think And Grow Rich + The Psychology Of Money + The Forty Rules Of Love
Rumi Bridge to the Soul
In Rumi: Bridge to the Soul,Coleman Barks—who holds an honorary doctorate in Persian language and literature by the University of Tehran for his decades-long translations of Rumi—has collected and translated ninety new poems, most of them never published before in any form. The “bridge” in the title is a reference to the Khajou Bridge in Isphahan, Iran, which Barks visited with Robert Bly in May of 2006—a trip that in many ways prompted this book. The “soul bridge” also suggests Rumi himself, who crosses cultures and religions and brings us all together to listen to his words, regardless of origin or creed.